Seriously, better than chocolate. Inner music nerd speaking to self, "There is something so thrilling about having a class recognize the music from the Nutcracker!".
My students are in the midst of rehearsals for 3 holiday concerts; yes, 3! My junior kindergarten and kindergarten students have a short one, followed by classroom holiday parties (so smart), then first and second graders have one at 9 AM on the 14th, third and fourth graders at 1 PM same day. Fun, fnu, nuf! Nope, that's not a misspelling, that's how I feel by the end of the day!
While we are practicing for concerts, I am doing a wee bit of Nutcracker with our time remaining in each music class. I especially love Trepak, the Russian dance. It's so quick, lively, and exciting.
1. Trepak Body Percussion and Bucket Drumming (focus on form and beat)
I begin by performing this for the students (listen to the music and you will understand WHEN to do the movements). The sequence happens during the A Section and will be repeated for a total of 4 times. I ask the students to notice everything I am doing.Have them turn and talk. This is such an underrated and underused teaching tool. I love turn and talk. They literally turn to a neighbor and talk about their observations in "kid speak". I find this to be so helpful. What did they hear/see? How many times did it happen? Was it a pattern or random?
They quickly discover a repeating pattern, and some of my fourth graders will also notice there was no introduction (!). I have the students perform the movements and then listen to the next section- more turn and talk, etc. until we discover the B section and then we perform the following movements:
Patsch: Alternate patting knees for 8 beats
Clap: Clap own hands for 8 beats
Clap Sides: Hands out at sides, clap side neighbors (on each side) hands, 8 beats.
Combo: To half note count: Pat, clap (own), clap (sides), clap (own). Four movements total.
The next parts I teach by imitation to the "interlude" or "C" section; whole notes count: Soldier with one arm going straight up, then other arm, then half note count; arm straight up, switch, then quarter note count right arm, left arm, right arm, left arm.
Back to the A Section for 2 patterns, then clap the beat and continue through the rallentando at the end!
Now you're ready to transfer that to bucket drums:
You can find the previous post AND a video here.
2. Composition and Arranging
One thing I love about the Nutcracker is the timeless appeal it has to every age. The Nutcracker is so deliciously recognizable and I love the various arrangements out there. Students enjoy hearing and seeing it performed so differently and it is a wonderful jumping off point to talk about composers and arrangers.Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy on Glass Harp
Same piece, a capella with Pentatonix
Duke Ellington's Nutcracker Overture
Chinese Dance (I particularly love their use of the traditional Lion Dance seen at Chinese New Year)
3. Another Trepak lesson:
Using pretend brushes, paints, and a visit to a "museum" children use movement to create statues and paintings with this idea from a previous post. Uses the book, "Ain't Gonna Paint No More".4. Paper Plate and Cup Routines to "March".
Check out youtube, there are many variations! I think Artie Almeida was one of the first (or THE first) to develop this idea and it is fabulous and fun!!
You're going to LOVE this one!
I also love doing movement and arrangement lessons with The Nutcracker- love the cup routine! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your always-wonderful ideas :)