We've all had cravings. A few months ago on my birthday, I really wanted strawberry cake. I was going to make one for myself that afternoon- same as my mom used to make me when I was a kid. My daughter and I have made it several times over the years - amazingly moist, with strawberries between two layers of Betty Crocker strawberry cake mix (yes, I cheat and use a mix, don't judge), and cooked "White Mountain" frosting that is heavenly! So, when my husband took us out to breakfast, we went to a place we knew had a similar strawberry cake, with buttercream frosting - so yummy! We sat down, placed our order and I excitedly asked for the strawberry cake only to be told they were out. SO disappointed! We ate our eggs and bacon (not at ALL what I wanted) and then my husband drove to the next town to the sister restaurant of the first (local chain). He got the cake, off we went to run errands and grocery shop. While at the grocery store I went to the baking aisle to get my box of cake mix and lo and behold, NO STRAWBERRY CAKE! I felt like the fates were conspiring against my wish for strawberry cake! Two more grocery stores later and we finally found my cake mix. Went home, baked, and it was perfect. Went through one failed batch of frosting -it is picky, but worth it, then frosted the cake. My daughter put the sliced strawberries on the top and it was beautiful. Into the fridge it went - and when it was time for presents and singing, out came the cake - with the strawberries sliding down the cake leaving slug. It was hysterical! Tasted great, though, and we laughed and laughed!

All that to say today's blog post is inspired! Did you know cupcakes were first mentioned in an American cookbook in 1796? They were originally cakes baked in small cups!
Shown is a sample of the lesson- email me at musicquilt@hotmail.com for the full pdf.
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