Friday, October 30, 2020

Checking In, Checking Up

 My daughter, Caiya, is about to turn 13.  With that is all the expected eye rolling, sarcasm dripping from the tongue, and the need for independence. She is an awesome kid- funny, incredibly artistic, and still loves hugs and talks with Mom. She loves to be around us (yay) and is very sweet and tender-hearted, all of which I am incredibly grateful for. Here is some of her amazing art: 

I chose this image my daughter drew below because I think many of us are feeling all the feelings - lonely, sad, angry, frustrated, discouraged, disappointed, and so on. I hear that - I see you.  

While my daughter was in hybrid mode this fall I was full-time with students at school. She would be home, in the craft room at her drawing desk online with classes. She is incredibly responsible and on top of things- well organized, and a good student. My husband works from home, and did pre-Pandemic, so nothing has really changed for him except that we have been underfoot. He would wander in occasionally to "check in" on Caiya. She saw it as Dad "checking up on" her. We had to talk about the importance of understanding there was CARE behind it, not accountability. 
So, how are YOU handling your CARE of yourself right now?  Are you taking walks, reading a non-PD book, indulging in Netflix and Prime, baking, making time for a hobby, and making some music for YOURSELF these days? Are you reaching out to friends and family and staying connected?  All of these things are not just important, but they are vital right now. 
Recently some beautiful music teacher friends got together to chat about our various situations - we were spread across the US - Michigan, Washington State, North Carolina, and Connecticut. Not one of us are teaching in the same situations - we all have various ways of doing and being but we all deeply love and miss our students and normal music making. Not one of us is teaching with the same schedule/mode/model this year.  I will be updating this post early next week and will share the link from my dear friend, Elizabeth of  
Please take CARE, my friends - there is only one you and YOU MATTER!


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