Tuesday, December 26, 2017

On With The Show AKA Winter Break is Over Lesson

Hope everyone had a wonderful Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and a Merry Christmas!  Hard to believe how fast the winter break goes!  I have been out of school for a week already, much of which I was sick, then my daughter got very sick with a stomach something (still not sure what is going on) and we ended up with a very memorable Christmas spending 6 hours in the ER Christmas Eve until 1:30 AM Christmas morning. She was feeling well enough to unwrap her presents yesterday morning but halfway through she was experiencing stomach pain again and was very sick the rest of the day. As I write, she is next to me on the couch with a heating pad around her belly and we are watching Hotel Transylvania.  Such is the way with the holiday season.  It goes far too quickly and then all of a sudden we are on the countdown back to school again. 
Having all this time off, sometimes it is hard to have students jump right back in and be able to follow rules and classroom structure as we all know how quickly they lose their sense of structure being at home for extended times. 
I wanted a new lesson for students to revisit rules, although I did not want to directly revisit the rules,(boring) so this lesson uses proverbs! If you want the pdf, please send a request to musicquilt@Hotmail.com.
 There are two versions - one with a spoken A Section and another with an A Section in C pentatonic with an easy Orff orchestration. As always, accommodate for your students; if they are not ready for a crossover bordun, use a broken bordun, if they are not ready for a broken bordun, add a closed bordun but perhaps make it the same rhythm; use the words, "Here we go again" (ta, ta, titi ta). 
Hope you enjoy!


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